NI Multisim

Integrated circuit design and SPICE simulation environment.
Improve student comprehension of circuits theory and enable easier transition to the laboratory with NI Multisim

  • Features specific to teaching analog, digital & power theory

  • Interactive controls to change and modify circuit behaviour

  • Library of 36,000 devices to match components in laboratory

  • Instruments and analyses to instantly visualize electronics

  • Simulate digital logic gates and power devices in the same interface

  • Full integration with Ultiboard PCB layout environment

Transition student to the laboratory with full integration to:

  • myDAQ student-owned measurement device

  • NI ELVIS engineering education laboratory platform

  • NI myRIO student design hardware


Analog Circuits
•    Resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuits
•    Steady-state and transient circuit analysis techniques
•    AC analysis and frequency response
•    Operational amplifier and filter circuits

Digital Circuits
•    Boolean algebra and minimization of logic
•    Sequential and combinational logic design
•    State machines and arithmetic logic
•    Hardware description languages and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA)

Power Electronics
•    AC to DC conversion
•    DC to DC switch mode power supply topologies
•    DC to AC for motor drive and renewable energy
•    Rectifiers, inverters, and power switches PWM and motor drives


•    New Voltage, Current, Power, and Digital probes provide:
•    A clear and convenient way of acquiring measurements
•    Automation of the output variable selection process in analyses
•    Automatically plotted results in the Grapher. 
•    Easy annotation of important nodes on the schematic

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